I wanted to finish off this blog post series by discussing the science that I envision my lab doing, but I felt a bit conflicted about it. Not because I worry about anyone stealing my ideas—I really don’t care about that. It’s more that I don’t want to constrain my lab’s research goals too strictly. Scientific exploration requires freedom. Here’s what I mean:
Read MoreThere are many different approaches to scientific inquiry and experimentation. None are right or wrong, but your philosophy towards science will ultimately guide your lab’s research path - so it’s worth taking time to think about it.
What are some different approaches?
Read MoreWhat makes a research lab great?
This is the question I find myself asking as I prepare to open the Laboratory for Origins and Astrobiology Research (LOAR) in the fall of 2024.
My feeling is that it really comes down to creating an environment in which scientists can thrive.
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