May 5–10th, 2024: Giving two talks at Astrobiology Science Conference, Providence, RI.
June 23–27th, 2024: Attending Early Career Faculty in Geosciences Workshop. Saint Paul, MI.
Aug 5–7th, 2024: 51 Pegasi b Summit, San Francisco, CA
March 21st: Guest lectured for EAS 206: Geology of the Solar System, University of Alberta
March 12th: Article published in Planetary Science Journal: Toward Prebiotic Chemistry on Titan: Impact Experiments on Organic Haze Particles
February 15–17th: Purdue EAPS Department Graduate Student Expo. West Lafayette, IN.
February 6–8th: Participated in NASA Biosignatures Ideas Lab. Denver, CO.
January 31st: Universe Today news article published about our research: How Did Life Get Started on Earth? Atmospheric Haze Might Have Been the Key.
January 26th: Resubmitted a 2nd manuscript to PSJ after minor revisions.
December 19th: Manuscript accepted to PSJ.
December 4th: Resubmitted manuscript after minor revisions to PSJ.
November 13th: Guest lectured for AS.360.339: Planets, Life, and the Universe.
November 8th: Submitted Titan manuscript to Planetary Science Journal.
October 28th: Submitted Early Earth manuscript to Planetary Science Journal.
October 27th: Participating on a panel for JHU PHutures: Preparing for Academic Job Interviews and Job Talks for Natural Sciences, Virtual.
October 16th: Guest lectured for AS.360.339: Planets, Life, and the Universe.
October 2: Presented talk at DPS-EPSC: Organic hazes as a source of life's building blocks to warm little ponds on the Hadean Earth. San Antonio, TX.
October 1–6: DPS-EPSC Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
September 1st: Participated as a panelist for JHU PHutures event: Navigating the Academic Job Market, Virtual.
August 31st: Gave Department Colloquium as part of the Land Acknowledgement Committee in the Earth and Planetary Science Department at JHU.
August 24th: Manuscript Submitted to Cell Reports Physical Science: What it takes to solve the Origin(s) of Life: An integrated review of techniques.
August 6–9th: 51 Pegasi b Summit. Cavallo Point, San Francisco, CA.
July 27th: Resubmitted manuscript to Nature Geoscience after revisions.
June 27th: Signed a contract to become a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Department at Purdue University starting in 2024.
June 16th: Gave a virtual lab tour and Q&A to grade 11/12 space science students at the Pender Harbour Elementary/Secondary School, British Columbia, Canada.
May 1st–20th: Visited the University of Northern Iowa to perform biomolecule analysis with Dr. Josh Sebree
May 17th: Gave a virtual lab tour and Q&A to grade 11/12 biology students at the Pender Harbour Elementary/Secondary School, British Columbia, Canada.
May 1st: Gave a talk at JHU EPS Research Day
April 12th: Gave a seminar to the Department of Mineral Sciences at the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. Washington, DC.
March 30th: Awarded the 51 Pegasi b Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Heising-Simons Foundation.
February 9th – April 27th: Co-taught AS 270.114 : Guided Tour: The Planets. Johns Hopkins University.
February 7th: Guest lectured for AS 270.303: Earth History. Johns Hopkins University.
February 2nd: Organized department trip to the Baltimore American Indian Center.
January 20th: Submitted manuscript to Nature Geoscience: Organic hazes as a source of life's building blocks to warm little ponds on the Hadean Earth.
November 29th: Gave the Astrobiology Colloquium at the University of Washington. Seattle, WA.
October 25th: Gave a talk at NSF Life in the Universe workshop. Sofia, Bulgaria
October 19th: Guest lectured for undergraduate course: Planets, Life and the Universe, Johns Hopkins University.
October 13–18th: Worked in the lab of Josh Sebree at the University of Northern Iowa
October 13th: Gave a seminar to the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department at the University of Northern Iowa
September 19th: Guest lectured for undergraduate course: Planets, Life and the Universe, Johns Hopkins University.
September 15th: Paper accepted to ACS Earth and Space Chemistry: An experimental and theoretical investigation of HCN production in the early Hadean atmosphere.
July 9–10: Backcountry hiked the Grand Canyon rim-to-rim.
June 17th: Gave astrobiology talks and virtual lab tours to Grade 10 Science and Grade 11 Physics classes at Williams Lake High School, British Columbia.
May 27th: Gave an invited talk at European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Life as a Planetary Phenomenon. Online.
May 14th: Judged a Baltimore high school (grade 9/10) STEM outreach roller coaster competition. Johns Hopkins University.
May 17th: Gave a talk at Astrobiology Science Conference. Online.
May 11th: Submitted manuscript to ACS Earth and Space Chemistry: An experimental and theoretical investigation of HCN production in the Hadean Earth atmosphere.
May 2nd: Gave a keynote talk at Towards Molecular Complexity: At the crossroads between astrophysics and biochemistry. Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg
May 2nd: Gave a virtual talk at EPS Research Day. Johns Hopkins University.
April 8th,: Launched new YouTube Show: A Pint of Astrobiology.
February 1st: Gave an online seminar for the European Astrobiology Institute.
December 31st: Manuscript accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal: Towards RNA life on Early Earth: From atmospheric HCN to biomolecule production in warm little ponds
December 20th: Gave an invited talk at Pacifichem 2021. Honolulu, Hawai’i.
November 16th: Gave a seminar at Queen’s University.
September 1st: First day as a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow at Johns Hopkins University.
August 6th: Successfully defended PhD thesis.
August 5th: Presented at Prebiotic Chemistry and Early Earth Environments (PCE3) Seminar Series.
July 15th: 2021 Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship results announced - I can officially announce that I will be taking this fellowship to Johns Hopkins University in September and joining the Hörst lab.
July 7th: Gave a talk at the DRAO Seminar Series - Herzberg Astrophysics.
June 7th: Gave the Astronomy Colloquium at the University of British Columbia.
May 28th: Guest appearance on Cosmic Controversy podcast (Host: Bruce Dorminey)
May 27th: Gave a talk and participated on a panel on applying for postdocs for graduate students in science. McMaster University
May 14th: Gave a talk at the Canadian Astronomical Society (CASCA) Annual Meeting: Biogenic Worlds: From atmospheric HCN production to the building blocks of RNA in warm little ponds. (Won Best Student Talk)
February 28th: Interview on Planet B612 podcast.
February 19th: Interviewed on KX 947: New Country FM about Mars Perseverance Rover.
February 15th: Accepted Postdoctoral Fellowship Offer
November 11th: Gave a talk at the 5th International Congress of Astrobiology: Biogenic Worlds: How HCN is Produced in Titan’s Atmosphere.
October 22nd: Interviewed on Planet B612 podcast.
October 1st: Gave a talk at Astrophysics Journal Club: Life in Venus’ Atmosph3ere?
September 22nd: Manuscript accepted to the Journal of Physical Chemistry A. CRAHCN-O: A Consistent Reduced Atmospheric Hybrid Chemical Network Oxygen Extension for Hydrogen Cyanide and Formaldehyde Chemistry in CO2-, N2-, H2O-, CH4-, and H2-Dominated Atmospheres.
August 10th: Manuscript accepted to the Astrophysical Journal. HCN production in Titan’s Atmosphere: Coupling quantum chemistry and disequilibrium
atmospheric modeling.
July, 24th: Submitted manuscript to the Journal of Physical Chemistry A: CRAHCN-O: A Consistent Reduced Atmospheric Hybrid Chemical Network Oxygen Extension for Hydrogen Cyanide and Formaldehyde Chemistry in CO2-, N2-, H2O-, CH4-, and H2-Dominated Atmospheres.
May, 27th: Gave a Zoom seminar for the Heidelberg Institute for the Origins of Life (HIFOL), 10:30am EST.
May 14th: Was awarded an Ontario Graduate Scholarship to fund the final year of my PhD.
April 5th: Submitted manuscript to the Astrophysical Journal: HCN production in Titan’s Atmosphere: Coupling quantum chemistry and disequilibrium
atmospheric modeling.
March 11th: Presented public planetarium shows. Celestial Shadows. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 7pm, 8:15pm.
February 18th: Gave a public talk at Shawn & Ed Brewing Company’s Public House Lecture Series: Is a big rock in space coming to destroy us all? 7pm
February, 11th: Gave an Origins public lecture with 3 other astrobiology students: Meet Our Young Scientists. David Braley Health Sciences Centre, 7pm.
Origins Institute Public Lecture: Meet Our Young Scientists: Ben K. D. Pearce talking about the two contesting sites for the origin of life. David Braley Health Sciences Centre, Hamilton, ON. February 11th, 2020. Photo credit: Sian Ford
February 7th: Interviewed on the AlmaMac Radio Show (CFMU 93.3) by Adam Fortais. Aired at noon.
February, 3rd–7th: Gave 3 guest lectures in Biophysics 3D03: Origins of Life. McMaster University.
January 30th Gave a talk at Astrophysics Journal Club: Biogenic Worlds: How HCN is Produced in Titan’s Atmosphere. McMaster University, 12pm.
November 18–20th: Gave a talk at the Science of Early Life Conference: Biogenic Worlds: How HCN is Produced in Titan’s Atmosphere. Seeon, Bavaria.
November 13th: Presented public planetarium shows. Dammit Jim! I'm an Astronomer. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 7pm, 8:15pm.
November 7th: Interviewed on the AlmaMac Radio Show (CFMU 93.3) by Adam Fortais. Aired at noon.
September 17th: Presented paper on the effects of fresh water and sea water on vesicle formation (Milshteyn et al. 2018) at Astrobiology Journal Club. Origins Institute, McMaster University, 1:30pm.
July 10th: Presented public planetarium show. Dammit Jim! I'm an Astronomer. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 7pm.
June 26th: Gave an invited talk at Astrobiology Science Conference: Warm Little Ponds as Sites for the Emergence of the RNA World: The Fates of Nucleobases Delivered by Meteorites and Interplanetary Dust Particles, Bellevue, Washington, 1:30pm.
Astrobiology Science Conference (AbSciCon) 2019: Ben K. D. Pearce giving an invited talk on meteorites and interplanetary dust particles as sources of nucleobases to warm little ponds on the early Earth. Bellevue, WA, June 26th, 2019. Photo credit: Andrew Tupper.
June 17–20th: Presented a poster at the Canadian Astronomical Society Annual General Meeting (CASCA). Montréal, Québec.
June 6th: Interviewed by Nate, a passionate 8 year old who created a podcast interviewing scientists for his school project.
May 22nd: Gave an outreach talk at Pint of Science 2019: Is a big rock in space coming to destroy us all? Artword Artbar, Hamilton, 5pm.
Pint of Science 2019: Ben K. D. Pearce giving an outreach talk on the potential threat of big space rocks on human existence. Artword Artbar, Hamilton, May 22nd, 2019. Photo credit: Thanassis Psaltis.
May 3rd: Presented a “For the Curious Mind” webinar for the McMaster Alumni Association: How did life on Earth begin? 12pm.
April 15th: Gave a talk at the Origins Institute Retreat: Origins of the Building Blocks of RNA. Waterfront Centre, Hamilton.
April 2nd: Featured on Answering Alumni Questions with the McMaster Alumni Association, McMaster University.
March 30th: Participated as a panelist for an AstroTours Earth Hour panel discussion: ‘Imagining the Earth as an Exoplanet.’ University of Toronto, St. George Campus.
University of Toronto AstroTours Earth Hour Panel Discussion: Imagining the Earth as an Exoplanet. Ben K. D. Pearce (far right) and panel discussing what our cosmic neighbours would see when observing Earth, as well as the potential for life on other worlds. March 30th, 2019. Photo credit: Chris Robart.
March 20th: Presented public planetarium shows. Dammit Jim! I'm an Astronomer. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 7pm, 8:15pm.
March 14th: Attended Physics & Astronomy student mentorship night, McMaster University.
March 14th: Gave a guest lecture for undergraduate course ASTR 2E03: Planetary Astronomy. McMaster University.
March 14th: Presented paper at Astrophysics Journal Club. Genda et al. (2017): The terrestrial late veneer from core disruption of a lunar-sized impactor. McMaster University.
March 13th: NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship-Doctoral (PGS D) converted to an Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship-Doctoral (CGS D) for the remaining 2 years of funding.
March 12th: Represented the Collaborative Graduate Program in Astrobiology at the graduate student recruitment night. CIBC Hall, McMaster University 5–6:30pm
March 11th: Presented paper at Astrobiology Journal Club. Genda et al. (2017): The terrestrial late veneer from core disruption of a lunar-sized impactor. Origins Institute, McMaster University.
February 22nd: Awarded a grade of PASS WITH DISTINCTION on PhD Comprehensive exam.
February 12th: PhD Comprehensive exam, McMaster University.
February 4th: Manuscript accepted for publication in the Journal of Physical Chemistry A: A Consistent Reduced Network for HCN Chemistry in Early Earth and Titan Atmospheres: Quantum Calculations of Reaction Rate Coefficients
November 28th: Presented public planetarium shows. New Solar System Discoveries. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 7pm, 8:15pm.
November 22nd: Submitted new manuscript to The Journal of Physical Chemistry A titled, A Consistent Reduced Network for HCN Chemistry in early Earth and Titan Atmospheres: Quantum Calculations of Reaction Rate Coefficients.
October 16th: Gave a talk at ExoCoffee: Investigating the origins of the building blocks of life, Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany
October 7th–26th: Visited the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg, Germany.
October 4th: Gave a talk on the calculation of HCN reaction rate coefficients using quantum computational methods at Astrophysics Journal Club. McMaster University.
September 24th: Manuscript accepted for publication in Icarus: Meteoritic Abundances of Fatty Acids and Potential Reaction Pathways in Planetesimals
September 17th: Presented a paper on radar evidence of subglacial liquid water on Mars at Astrobiology Journal Club. McMaster University.
August 23rd: Gave an invited Skype talk to a Simon Fraser University kids camp on alien life.
July 12th: Gave an invited Skype talk to a Simon Fraser University kids camp on alien life.
July 11th: Presented public planetarium show. New Solar System Discoveries. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 7pm.
June 24–27th: Presented a talk and poster at the Science of Early Life Conference at McMaster University.
June 18th: Interview with Science Sessions, the PNAS podcast program went live on PNAS website.
April 29th: Received the Cozzarelli Prize at the National Academy of Sciences Awards Ceremony in Washington, DC for PNAS paper: Origin of the RNA World: The Fate of Nucleobases in Warm Little Ponds. 12th
The Fairmont Washington, DC. Ben K. D. Pearce (third from left) and other awardees holding Cozzarelli Prize award certificates after the National Academy of Sciences morning award presentations. April 29, 2018.
March 23rd: Review article, "Constraining the Time Interval for the Origin of Life on Earth," published in Astrobiology.
March 7th: Participated as a panelist at the Astronomy & Space Exploration Society (ASX) panel discussion on the requirements and search for extraterrestrial life: 'Is Anybody Out There?' University of Toronto, 7pm
University of Toronto ASX Panel Discussion: Is Anybody Out There? Ben K. D. Pearce (far left) and panel discussing the requirements and search for life beyond Earth. March 7th, 2018.
Feb 22nd: Won the Cozzarelli Prize for PNAS paper: Origin of the RNA World: The Fate of Nucleobases in Warm Little Ponds.
Feb 15th: Gave an invited talk to the McMaster Undergraduate Academic Astronomy Club. Astrobiology: The Beginnings of Life and Our Place in the Cosmos. McMaster University
Jan 31st: Presented public planetarium shows. New Solar System Discoveries. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 5:45pm, 7pm.
Jan 13–19th: Presented poster at Origins of Life Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) and Gordon Research Conference (GRC) in Gavelston, TX.
Dec 30th: Interview with CBC Quirks and Quarks aired at noon EST on CBC Radio and Sirius XM.
Nov 30th: Gave a talk on our recently submitted paper about the inventory of fatty acids in meteorites and their potential reaction pathways. Astrophysics Journal Club. McMaster University.
Nov 20th: Presented a paper on the formation of uridine in microdroplets at Astrobiology Journal Club. McMaster University.
Nov 8th: Presented public planetarium shows. Asteroids: Vermin of the Sky. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 7pm, 8:15pm.
Oct 6th: Research featured on popular youtube channel SciShow.
Oct 3rd: Manuscript accepted for publication in Astrobiology: Constraining the Time Interval for the Emergence of Life on Earth.
Oct 3rd: Interviewed live on Radio Sputnik World Service, Moscow about recent PNAS article.
Sept 6th: Presented public planetarium shows. Introductory Astronomy for Kids. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 5:45pm, 7pm.
Aug 28th: Manuscript accepted for publication in PNAS: Origin of the RNA World: The Fate of Nucleobases in Warm Little Ponds.
Aug 22nd: Visit to Bumpass Hell warm little pond analog site in Lassen Volcanic National Park, California.
Bumpass Hell. Ben K. D. Pearce pointing out potential analogs to warm little ponds on the early Earth at Lassen Volcanic National Park, CA. August 22nd, 2017.
July 21st: MSc Thesis Defense. Origins Institute, 10:30am.
Phoenix Bar & Grill. Ben K. D. Pearce holding the traditional Phoenix chalice and signature book after the successful completion of his Master's defense. July 21st, 2017.
June 28th: Presented public planetarium show. Asteroids: Vermin of the Sky. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 7pm.
June 14th: Presented the case for ponds in a debate of vents vs. ponds for the site of the origin of life. Origins Institute Summer Research Afternoon, McMaster University.
Origins Institute Summer Research Afternoon. Andrew Tupper (left) and Ben K. D. Pearce (right) debating hydrothermal vents vs. warm little ponds as a site for the emergence of life. June 14th, 2017.
May 3rd: Presented public planetarium shows. Introductory Astronomy for Kids. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 5:45pm, 7pm.
April 26th: Gave a talk at Astrobiology Science Conference. Steps to the RNA World: The Survival and Evolution of Nucleobases in Warm Little Ponds. Mesa, AZ.
Astrobiology Science Conference 2017. Ben K. D. Pearce (4th from left) and debate panel comparing warm little ponds to hydrothermal vents as a site for the origin of life. April 26, 2017.
Feb 15th: Presented public planetarium shows. Asteroids: Vermin of the Sky. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 7pm, 8:15pm.
Nov 24-25th: Attended the Canadian Space Exploration Workshop 2016. Montreal, QC
Oct 26th: Presented public planetarium shows. Dammit Jim! I'm an Astronomer. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 7pm, 8:15pm.
Oct 11th: Gave an invited talk at Physics & Astronomy Graduate Student Symposium Day. The Survival and Accumulation of Genetic Precursors Delivered to Warm Little Ponds on Early Terrestrial Planets. McMaster University.
Aug 31st: Presented public planetarium show. Tour Around the Solar System. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 7pm.
Aug 17th: Presented public planetarium show. Dammit Jim! I'm an Astronomer. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 7pm.
May 18th: Gave an invited talk at Planet and Star Formation Coffee. Meteorites and the RNA World. Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany.
May 1st–July 29th: Researched abroad at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy and the Institute of Organic Chemistry. Heidelberg, Germany.
March 31st: Presented public 3D theatre show. Einstein's Universe: A 3D Exploration of the Cosmos. Origins Institute 3D Theatre, 7pm.
March 23rd: Gave an invited talk to the McMaster Undergraduate Academic Astronomy Club. Astrobiology: Is there Life Beyond Earth? McMaster University