May 5–10th, 2024: Giving two talks at Astrobiology Science Conference, Providence, RI.
June 23–27th, 2024: Attending Early Career Faculty in Geosciences Workshop. Saint Paul, MI.
Aug 5–7th, 2024: 51 Pegasi b Summit, San Francisco, CA
March 21st: Guest lectured for EAS 206: Geology of the Solar System, University of Alberta
March 12th: Article published in Planetary Science Journal: Toward Prebiotic Chemistry on Titan: Impact Experiments on Organic Haze Particles
February 15–17th: Purdue EAPS Department Graduate Student Expo. West Lafayette, IN.
February 6–8th: Participated in NASA Biosignatures Ideas Lab. Denver, CO.
January 31st: Universe Today news article published about our research: How Did Life Get Started on Earth? Atmospheric Haze Might Have Been the Key.
January 26th: Resubmitted a 2nd manuscript to PSJ after minor revisions.
December 19th: Manuscript accepted to PSJ.
December 4th: Resubmitted manuscript after minor revisions to PSJ.
November 13th: Guest lectured for AS.360.339: Planets, Life, and the Universe.
November 8th: Submitted Titan manuscript to Planetary Science Journal.
October 28th: Submitted Early Earth manuscript to Planetary Science Journal.
October 27th: Participating on a panel for JHU PHutures: Preparing for Academic Job Interviews and Job Talks for Natural Sciences, Virtual.
October 16th: Guest lectured for AS.360.339: Planets, Life, and the Universe.
October 2: Presented talk at DPS-EPSC: Organic hazes as a source of life's building blocks to warm little ponds on the Hadean Earth. San Antonio, TX.
October 1–6: DPS-EPSC Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
September 1st: Participated as a panelist for JHU PHutures event: Navigating the Academic Job Market, Virtual.
August 31st: Gave Department Colloquium as part of the Land Acknowledgement Committee in the Earth and Planetary Science Department at JHU.
August 24th: Manuscript Submitted to Cell Reports Physical Science: What it takes to solve the Origin(s) of Life: An integrated review of techniques.
August 6–9th: 51 Pegasi b Summit. Cavallo Point, San Francisco, CA.
July 27th: Resubmitted manuscript to Nature Geoscience after revisions.
June 27th: Signed a contract to become a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Department at Purdue University starting in 2024.
June 16th: Gave a virtual lab tour and Q&A to grade 11/12 space science students at the Pender Harbour Elementary/Secondary School, British Columbia, Canada.
May 1st–20th: Visited the University of Northern Iowa to perform biomolecule analysis with Dr. Josh Sebree
May 17th: Gave a virtual lab tour and Q&A to grade 11/12 biology students at the Pender Harbour Elementary/Secondary School, British Columbia, Canada.
May 1st: Gave a talk at JHU EPS Research Day
April 12th: Gave a seminar to the Department of Mineral Sciences at the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. Washington, DC.
March 30th: Awarded the 51 Pegasi b Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Heising-Simons Foundation.
February 9th – April 27th: Co-taught AS 270.114 : Guided Tour: The Planets. Johns Hopkins University.
February 7th: Guest lectured for AS 270.303: Earth History. Johns Hopkins University.
February 2nd: Organized department trip to the Baltimore American Indian Center.
January 20th: Submitted manuscript to Nature Geoscience: Organic hazes as a source of life's building blocks to warm little ponds on the Hadean Earth.
November 29th: Gave the Astrobiology Colloquium at the University of Washington. Seattle, WA.
October 25th: Gave a talk at NSF Life in the Universe workshop. Sofia, Bulgaria
October 19th: Guest lectured for undergraduate course: Planets, Life and the Universe, Johns Hopkins University.
October 13–18th: Worked in the lab of Josh Sebree at the University of Northern Iowa
October 13th: Gave a seminar to the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department at the University of Northern Iowa
September 19th: Guest lectured for undergraduate course: Planets, Life and the Universe, Johns Hopkins University.
September 15th: Paper accepted to ACS Earth and Space Chemistry: An experimental and theoretical investigation of HCN production in the early Hadean atmosphere.
July 9–10: Backcountry hiked the Grand Canyon rim-to-rim.
June 17th: Gave astrobiology talks and virtual lab tours to Grade 10 Science and Grade 11 Physics classes at Williams Lake High School, British Columbia.
May 27th: Gave an invited talk at European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Life as a Planetary Phenomenon. Online.
May 14th: Judged a Baltimore high school (grade 9/10) STEM outreach roller coaster competition. Johns Hopkins University.
May 17th: Gave a talk at Astrobiology Science Conference. Online.
May 11th: Submitted manuscript to ACS Earth and Space Chemistry: An experimental and theoretical investigation of HCN production in the Hadean Earth atmosphere.
May 2nd: Gave a keynote talk at Towards Molecular Complexity: At the crossroads between astrophysics and biochemistry. Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg
May 2nd: Gave a virtual talk at EPS Research Day. Johns Hopkins University.
April 8th,: Launched new YouTube Show: A Pint of Astrobiology.
February 1st: Gave an online seminar for the European Astrobiology Institute.
December 31st: Manuscript accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal: Towards RNA life on Early Earth: From atmospheric HCN to biomolecule production in warm little ponds
December 20th: Gave an invited talk at Pacifichem 2021. Honolulu, Hawai’i.
November 16th: Gave a seminar at Queen’s University.
September 1st: First day as a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow at Johns Hopkins University.
August 6th: Successfully defended PhD thesis.
August 5th: Presented at Prebiotic Chemistry and Early Earth Environments (PCE3) Seminar Series.
July 15th: 2021 Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship results announced - I can officially announce that I will be taking this fellowship to Johns Hopkins University in September and joining the Hörst lab.
July 7th: Gave a talk at the DRAO Seminar Series - Herzberg Astrophysics.
June 7th: Gave the Astronomy Colloquium at the University of British Columbia.
May 28th: Guest appearance on Cosmic Controversy podcast (Host: Bruce Dorminey)
May 27th: Gave a talk and participated on a panel on applying for postdocs for graduate students in science. McMaster University
May 14th: Gave a talk at the Canadian Astronomical Society (CASCA) Annual Meeting: Biogenic Worlds: From atmospheric HCN production to the building blocks of RNA in warm little ponds. (Won Best Student Talk)
February 28th: Interview on Planet B612 podcast.
February 19th: Interviewed on KX 947: New Country FM about Mars Perseverance Rover.
February 15th: Accepted Postdoctoral Fellowship Offer
November 11th: Gave a talk at the 5th International Congress of Astrobiology: Biogenic Worlds: How HCN is Produced in Titan’s Atmosphere.
October 22nd: Interviewed on Planet B612 podcast.
October 1st: Gave a talk at Astrophysics Journal Club: Life in Venus’ Atmosph3ere?
September 22nd: Manuscript accepted to the Journal of Physical Chemistry A. CRAHCN-O: A Consistent Reduced Atmospheric Hybrid Chemical Network Oxygen Extension for Hydrogen Cyanide and Formaldehyde Chemistry in CO2-, N2-, H2O-, CH4-, and H2-Dominated Atmospheres.
August 10th: Manuscript accepted to the Astrophysical Journal. HCN production in Titan’s Atmosphere: Coupling quantum chemistry and disequilibrium
atmospheric modeling.
July, 24th: Submitted manuscript to the Journal of Physical Chemistry A: CRAHCN-O: A Consistent Reduced Atmospheric Hybrid Chemical Network Oxygen Extension for Hydrogen Cyanide and Formaldehyde Chemistry in CO2-, N2-, H2O-, CH4-, and H2-Dominated Atmospheres.
May, 27th: Gave a Zoom seminar for the Heidelberg Institute for the Origins of Life (HIFOL), 10:30am EST.
May 14th: Was awarded an Ontario Graduate Scholarship to fund the final year of my PhD.
April 5th: Submitted manuscript to the Astrophysical Journal: HCN production in Titan’s Atmosphere: Coupling quantum chemistry and disequilibrium
atmospheric modeling.
March 11th: Presented public planetarium shows. Celestial Shadows. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 7pm, 8:15pm.
February 18th: Gave a public talk at Shawn & Ed Brewing Company’s Public House Lecture Series: Is a big rock in space coming to destroy us all? 7pm
February, 11th: Gave an Origins public lecture with 3 other astrobiology students: Meet Our Young Scientists. David Braley Health Sciences Centre, 7pm.
February 7th: Interviewed on the AlmaMac Radio Show (CFMU 93.3) by Adam Fortais. Aired at noon.
February, 3rd–7th: Gave 3 guest lectures in Biophysics 3D03: Origins of Life. McMaster University.
January 30th Gave a talk at Astrophysics Journal Club: Biogenic Worlds: How HCN is Produced in Titan’s Atmosphere. McMaster University, 12pm.
November 18–20th: Gave a talk at the Science of Early Life Conference: Biogenic Worlds: How HCN is Produced in Titan’s Atmosphere. Seeon, Bavaria.
November 13th: Presented public planetarium shows. Dammit Jim! I'm an Astronomer. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 7pm, 8:15pm.
November 7th: Interviewed on the AlmaMac Radio Show (CFMU 93.3) by Adam Fortais. Aired at noon.
September 17th: Presented paper on the effects of fresh water and sea water on vesicle formation (Milshteyn et al. 2018) at Astrobiology Journal Club. Origins Institute, McMaster University, 1:30pm.
July 10th: Presented public planetarium show. Dammit Jim! I'm an Astronomer. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 7pm.
June 26th: Gave an invited talk at Astrobiology Science Conference: Warm Little Ponds as Sites for the Emergence of the RNA World: The Fates of Nucleobases Delivered by Meteorites and Interplanetary Dust Particles, Bellevue, Washington, 1:30pm.
June 17–20th: Presented a poster at the Canadian Astronomical Society Annual General Meeting (CASCA). Montréal, Québec.
June 6th: Interviewed by Nate, a passionate 8 year old who created a podcast interviewing scientists for his school project.
May 22nd: Gave an outreach talk at Pint of Science 2019: Is a big rock in space coming to destroy us all? Artword Artbar, Hamilton, 5pm.
May 3rd: Presented a “For the Curious Mind” webinar for the McMaster Alumni Association: How did life on Earth begin? 12pm.
April 15th: Gave a talk at the Origins Institute Retreat: Origins of the Building Blocks of RNA. Waterfront Centre, Hamilton.
April 2nd: Featured on Answering Alumni Questions with the McMaster Alumni Association, McMaster University.
March 30th: Participated as a panelist for an AstroTours Earth Hour panel discussion: ‘Imagining the Earth as an Exoplanet.’ University of Toronto, St. George Campus.
March 20th: Presented public planetarium shows. Dammit Jim! I'm an Astronomer. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 7pm, 8:15pm.
March 14th: Attended Physics & Astronomy student mentorship night, McMaster University.
March 14th: Gave a guest lecture for undergraduate course ASTR 2E03: Planetary Astronomy. McMaster University.
March 14th: Presented paper at Astrophysics Journal Club. Genda et al. (2017): The terrestrial late veneer from core disruption of a lunar-sized impactor. McMaster University.
March 13th: NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship-Doctoral (PGS D) converted to an Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship-Doctoral (CGS D) for the remaining 2 years of funding.
March 12th: Represented the Collaborative Graduate Program in Astrobiology at the graduate student recruitment night. CIBC Hall, McMaster University 5–6:30pm
March 11th: Presented paper at Astrobiology Journal Club. Genda et al. (2017): The terrestrial late veneer from core disruption of a lunar-sized impactor. Origins Institute, McMaster University.
February 22nd: Awarded a grade of PASS WITH DISTINCTION on PhD Comprehensive exam.
February 12th: PhD Comprehensive exam, McMaster University.
February 4th: Manuscript accepted for publication in the Journal of Physical Chemistry A: A Consistent Reduced Network for HCN Chemistry in Early Earth and Titan Atmospheres: Quantum Calculations of Reaction Rate Coefficients
November 28th: Presented public planetarium shows. New Solar System Discoveries. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 7pm, 8:15pm.
November 22nd: Submitted new manuscript to The Journal of Physical Chemistry A titled, A Consistent Reduced Network for HCN Chemistry in early Earth and Titan Atmospheres: Quantum Calculations of Reaction Rate Coefficients.
October 16th: Gave a talk at ExoCoffee: Investigating the origins of the building blocks of life, Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany
October 7th–26th: Visited the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg, Germany.
October 4th: Gave a talk on the calculation of HCN reaction rate coefficients using quantum computational methods at Astrophysics Journal Club. McMaster University.
September 24th: Manuscript accepted for publication in Icarus: Meteoritic Abundances of Fatty Acids and Potential Reaction Pathways in Planetesimals
September 17th: Presented a paper on radar evidence of subglacial liquid water on Mars at Astrobiology Journal Club. McMaster University.
August 23rd: Gave an invited Skype talk to a Simon Fraser University kids camp on alien life.
July 12th: Gave an invited Skype talk to a Simon Fraser University kids camp on alien life.
July 11th: Presented public planetarium show. New Solar System Discoveries. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 7pm.
June 24–27th: Presented a talk and poster at the Science of Early Life Conference at McMaster University.
June 18th: Interview with Science Sessions, the PNAS podcast program went live on PNAS website.
April 29th: Received the Cozzarelli Prize at the National Academy of Sciences Awards Ceremony in Washington, DC for PNAS paper: Origin of the RNA World: The Fate of Nucleobases in Warm Little Ponds. 12th
March 23rd: Review article, "Constraining the Time Interval for the Origin of Life on Earth," published in Astrobiology.
March 7th: Participated as a panelist at the Astronomy & Space Exploration Society (ASX) panel discussion on the requirements and search for extraterrestrial life: 'Is Anybody Out There?' University of Toronto, 7pm
Feb 22nd: Won the Cozzarelli Prize for PNAS paper: Origin of the RNA World: The Fate of Nucleobases in Warm Little Ponds.
Feb 15th: Gave an invited talk to the McMaster Undergraduate Academic Astronomy Club. Astrobiology: The Beginnings of Life and Our Place in the Cosmos. McMaster University
Jan 31st: Presented public planetarium shows. New Solar System Discoveries. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 5:45pm, 7pm.
Jan 13–19th: Presented poster at Origins of Life Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) and Gordon Research Conference (GRC) in Gavelston, TX.
Dec 30th: Interview with CBC Quirks and Quarks aired at noon EST on CBC Radio and Sirius XM.
Nov 30th: Gave a talk on our recently submitted paper about the inventory of fatty acids in meteorites and their potential reaction pathways. Astrophysics Journal Club. McMaster University.
Nov 20th: Presented a paper on the formation of uridine in microdroplets at Astrobiology Journal Club. McMaster University.
Nov 8th: Presented public planetarium shows. Asteroids: Vermin of the Sky. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 7pm, 8:15pm.
Oct 6th: Research featured on popular youtube channel SciShow.
Oct 3rd: Manuscript accepted for publication in Astrobiology: Constraining the Time Interval for the Emergence of Life on Earth.
Oct 3rd: Interviewed live on Radio Sputnik World Service, Moscow about recent PNAS article.
Sept 6th: Presented public planetarium shows. Introductory Astronomy for Kids. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 5:45pm, 7pm.
Aug 28th: Manuscript accepted for publication in PNAS: Origin of the RNA World: The Fate of Nucleobases in Warm Little Ponds.
Aug 22nd: Visit to Bumpass Hell warm little pond analog site in Lassen Volcanic National Park, California.
July 21st: MSc Thesis Defense. Origins Institute, 10:30am.
June 28th: Presented public planetarium show. Asteroids: Vermin of the Sky. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 7pm.
June 14th: Presented the case for ponds in a debate of vents vs. ponds for the site of the origin of life. Origins Institute Summer Research Afternoon, McMaster University.
May 3rd: Presented public planetarium shows. Introductory Astronomy for Kids. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 5:45pm, 7pm.
April 26th: Gave a talk at Astrobiology Science Conference. Steps to the RNA World: The Survival and Evolution of Nucleobases in Warm Little Ponds. Mesa, AZ.
Feb 15th: Presented public planetarium shows. Asteroids: Vermin of the Sky. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 7pm, 8:15pm.
Nov 24-25th: Attended the Canadian Space Exploration Workshop 2016. Montreal, QC
Oct 26th: Presented public planetarium shows. Dammit Jim! I'm an Astronomer. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 7pm, 8:15pm.
Oct 11th: Gave an invited talk at Physics & Astronomy Graduate Student Symposium Day. The Survival and Accumulation of Genetic Precursors Delivered to Warm Little Ponds on Early Terrestrial Planets. McMaster University.
Aug 31st: Presented public planetarium show. Tour Around the Solar System. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 7pm.
Aug 17th: Presented public planetarium show. Dammit Jim! I'm an Astronomer. William J. McCallion Planetarium, 7pm.
May 18th: Gave an invited talk at Planet and Star Formation Coffee. Meteorites and the RNA World. Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany.
May 1st–July 29th: Researched abroad at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy and the Institute of Organic Chemistry. Heidelberg, Germany.
March 31st: Presented public 3D theatre show. Einstein's Universe: A 3D Exploration of the Cosmos. Origins Institute 3D Theatre, 7pm.
March 23rd: Gave an invited talk to the McMaster Undergraduate Academic Astronomy Club. Astrobiology: Is there Life Beyond Earth? McMaster University